Women's Liberation Front

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Our Girls Are Transitioning Into What They Fear...

I'm so motivated to stop gender-affirming care because it's medically hurting people and permanently damaging bodies, especially our youth!

Gender dysphoria is mental. That does not make it any worse or better than the large range of other mental conditions a person can have. However, I do not know of a time in recent history where we have tried to fix a mental problem with a physical body mutation — except for lobotomy. But even then, at least we were trying to alter the brain, not the sex organs and hormones. I've been educating myself a lot, and I'm hearing more and more horrible stories of gender-affirming care.

How absolutely sad is this...

A lot of girls want to transition to boys because they are not comfortable with being seen as sex objects. A lot of these girls have already been sexually abused. However, that issue is never dealt with because the therapy now for gender dysphoria is gender-affirming care, which means automatic hormones and surgery...

These girls don't know what they will look like when they become ‘men.’ She can get larger in the stomach, grow hair on her face, and lose all the hair on her head. Her voice gets deeper, and her facial structure permanently changes. Because of gender-affirming care, these girls are becoming men, and some of them are starting to look like their abusers from childhood. They are looking in the mirror and seeing the abusers they wanted to get away from, which is why they wanted to change their bodies to begin with. So now, when these girls look in the mirror as grown men, it's a daily reminder of childhood sexual trauma!

How can any human read this and not cry? Please stop hurting our youth! They need us to understand what's going on with them inside. The solution is to listen. It is not to rush them to an operating table...

— Anonymous

Letters From the Front is a series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them.

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